Not only is cricket powder a direct food ingredient but also is a perfect combination. For example, you can turn a general burger into a high-protein burger.
Let’s have a look for How can we use cricket powder!!
Cricket powder as a direct food ingredient can be added to many food products in general but should especially be added to traditionally low-nutrition food products like pasta, noodles, dumpling wrapper flour or bakery products, etc.
Cricket powder as a nutrition booster in beverages is preferable in energy drinks such as Protein Shake (protein-rich smoothies) as the cricket powder is not fully soluble in water.
However, according to a Protein Rebel study case, it suggests cricket protein could be 50% more digestible than whey protein.
Moreover, the speed at which the protein is digested in the small intestine – the primary site where amino acids are absorbed – is important. Higher-quality proteins have a faster absorption rate
Adding cricket powder can additionally boost the key components of dietary supplements to become high-protein and rich in nutrients.
Dogs and cats are known to consume insects in the wild to meet their nutritional needs. This is a clever survival tactic for both obligate carnivores (cats) and foragers (dogs), as cricket powder is a great source of protein.
For the protein needs of their reptiles, birds, fish, frogs, and tortoises, exotic pet owners feed insects (Normally live or dried crickets and worms). However, cricket protein for pets now has a place in the diets of both dogs and cats. Few people are aware that more common pets’ natural diets include cricket powder.
Over the past few years, industry leaders, consumer advocates, and pet owners have coalesced around the need for new ideas and innovations for pet food.