Why Eat Cricket?

Because of climate change, biodiversity loss, rising population, poverty, and hunger since cricket powder can be produced more effectively than other meat. Crickets are more sustainable than meat and they are also healthier than meat. They have far higher reproduction rates than other animals but consume much less energy.

And having a higher nutritional value than livestock, cricket powder is gaining interest as a sustainable protein source for food applications that could save the planet under these situations.

Cricket has lots of calcium. And calcium is essential because it helps to build and maintain healthy bones. Cricket is a source of calcium. 4 Crickets have calcium equal to a glass of milk.

Crickets are a complete source of protein in comparison to beef or chicken, crickets really have 2–3 times more protein! Since muscle is broken down during exercise, protein is important for athletes to retain lean body mass.

Raising cricket is environmentally friendly. Crickets emit fewer greenhouse gases than other animals. For example, Crickets release methane gas less than cows 80 times, which is in line with the trend of consumers who are more conscious of global warming and the environment.

Crickets eat plants, vegetables, fruits, soybean, and other plants. Crickets have a short life cycle. And they are insects. Therefore, they cannot be exposed to chemicals or pesticides This makes crickets less likely to pass the disease to humans than other animals.

Compared to one egg, which will require water 100 liters, a kg of chicken, which will require 3.5 m3, and a kg of beef, which would require 6.8 m3. But raising 1 Kg of cricket will only require 7 liters of water

Let’s talk about Nutrients in Cricket Powder!

Firstly, Vitamin B12 also supports the integrity of the body’s nerves and blood cells. You can obtain 1000% of your required daily intake of vitamin B12 with just 100 grams of cricket protein!

Secondly, Red blood cells, which transport oxygen throughout the body, must include iron. In addition to having more iron than most conventional animal sources, crickets have almost three times as much soluble iron as a steak.

If we talk about Omega 3, humans are unable to synthesize omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids on their own, human must be obtained them from food. Omega 3 performs a variety of vital tasks for human health, including creating cell membranes and manufacturing hormones. Thus, you can get omega-3 from cricket powder too.

One more important thing is that cricket contains 9 amino acids. As the cricket powder has a complete amino acid and is 50% more digestible than whey, it has the potential to promote muscle growth to at least the same level, if not at a better level than whey protein.

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